Samaritan Hope

SH Volunteers Formation: Transforming into Becoming Missionary Disciple

Samaritan Hope organized its first formation event for volunteers, titled “Transforming into Becoming Missionary Disciples.” The formation was led by Michael Xavier Alex Chong, the head of INE in Kuala Lumpur.

During the formation, the volunteers not only learned but also shared their journeys to Samaritan Hope Home.

The formation began with a question to the volunteers: “Do you believe that Jesus Christ came to die and rise for us?” This was followed by an explanation that mere belief in Christ without active participation is insufficient for our faith journey. The next step is to become followers and disciples of Christ, as He shows us the way. Transitioning from believer to disciple means moving from merely knowing Christ to taking action, even when it is challenging and uncomfortable, and avoiding being led by ego. The speaker quoted Matthew 20:25-28: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This quote emphasizes servant leadership, exemplified by Christ washing the feet of His disciples.

Volunteers are also reminded that Samaritan Hope Home is not just a place where food is served, but a place of hope. The speaker also discussed missionary discipleship, describing it as the embodiment of sacrificial love and a willingness to serve selflessly, akin to the sacrificial love of Christ on the cross.

The speaker also posed the question: Are we believers, disciples, and missionaries? He reminded us that we are all on a journey and that God is working within us. By continuing to serve at Samaritan Hope Home even during challenging times, we demonstrate our transition from believers to disciples.

The key takeaway from the formation is to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit and to remind ourselves to become missionary disciples of Christ. By being beacons of hope to our brothers and sisters, engaging with them so they too can experience Christ, we fulfill this mission.

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